Artist Statement

The artwork I create is humorous, it shows my personality and also brings up issues that might not be thought about in North Carolina (as I am from Northern Virginia). In my work I try to bring up issues I am passionate about and viewers might not know about. I make my work so people can relate to the entire piece, or at least something within the piece. I want to challenge people’s minds and make them wonder, ask questions and explore as I am exploring through life. I feel my work is very clean cut and simple but leaves you asking questions.

My choice of color ranges from simple black and white to very bold bright colors. I am very open to ideas, and I feel my work shows the different styles in which I am interested. I also play a lot with the idea of city life and country life and the thin line between them. I love creating work that others will see and that I could walk by in public and say, “I created that.” It makes me feel proud of myself, knowing other people are looking at and understanding what I am saying.